- High flexibility and snug around loads
- Helically laid ropes for even stress distribution
- Design improves friction to grip loads
- Round
Eight-part braided slings are flexible and can snug up tightly around the load in choker hitches. They also offer outstanding handling characteristics, particularly in the larger rated capacities. When loaded, stress distributes to all rope parts in the sling body due to the helical manner in which ropes are laid together.
Braided slings are formed by continuously plaiting, or braiding, several ropes together to form the sling body and both eyes in a single fabrication operation. Ends of the individual ropes are usually hand-tucked or mechanically spliced into the component ropes of the body. The eyes are wrapped and given a rubberized coating. Braided slings are often selected when loads must either be turned or maneuvered since the sling design creates friction to grip loads.
High flexibility is achieved by braiding, or plaiting, one or more wire ropes to form a fabric for the sling body. Component ropes run continuously through the body and eyes with ends hand-tucked into sling body or secured with pressed sleeves. The eight-part sling is round.